Shit On My Ass (etymology: Mod. English; portmaneau of the phrases "shit" and "ass," with "on my" forming the liaison) is a vulgar phrase expressing an utter discontent in an occurence, (e.g. where the conjuction "Shit!" would be used). Offshoots may include: shit on my dick, shite on my arse, holy shit on my ass, and the extremely long "piece of shit motherfucker on my ass."
Teacher: You failed the test, Stan.

Stan: Shit on my ass!

Brittany: I'm cheating on you, Stan.

Stan: You piece of shit motherfucker on my ass!
by ceaseanddesistsir April 10, 2010
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A harsh alternative to POOP IN MY BUTT. Used only in the direst, most pressing of predicaments.
-Dude. Last night you got so drunk you made out with your sister and everyone took video of it and now it's all over the internet.
by mirmironthewall November 29, 2009
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problem with someone or something that needs to be taken care of or gotten rid of, better if done earlier than later before it spreads everywhere
Wife: I just spent $300 on knick knacks!
Husband: (mutters to himself) fucking bitch is shit on my ass
by R Morris August 31, 2006
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An act or action that causes you to feel the way you would at that moment to have shit on your ass.
"Shit on my ass" This job sucks
Oh "Shit on my ass" this is fucking retarded
by Jim Von Hagen June 9, 2008
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When you're in a pissed off mood.

Similar to when you're constipated and can't quite get all the shit out of your asshole. The wiping never ends.
Tina: "Why are you so aggravated, Debbie?"

Debbie: "I've got shit in my ass."
by ikatwam January 10, 2019
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1. when a decsion or action affects you in no way

2. when you don't give a fuck
guy 1: hey i can use ur computer to check fantasy football

guy 2: ya sure, its no shit off my ass
by beanboy88 January 12, 2010
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To shit a quantity of shit that is equal to the size of your ass.
by Jugarn Jax May 31, 2005
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