Short for shenanigans, meaning "bullshit". particularly popular on certain internet forums.
post: hey this is my girlfriend img of girl

reply: shens
by BBnet3000 December 13, 2003
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Shenennagans...something that is hard to believe.
I don't believe that you really borked my grandmother. It's shens for sure. Pure shens.
by Ian0r June 10, 2003
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The area between the ballox sack and the buttox hole... as defined by doughy...
"Stab him in his shens"
by Daniel February 26, 2005
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What homosexuals use in leu of the full term "Shenanigans", popularized by the movie Super Troopers.
"I swear im gonna pistol whip the next person that says 'Shananigans' "
by ClarenceT September 27, 2003
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Invented by the good folks at

Root word: Shenanagens.
noob:DUDE! Theres a girl sleeping in my bed!

Me: I call shens!
by Andrew April 14, 2004
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He's Asian, but not fat at all. He doesn't roll to class, but instead rolls with the cool kids. He's really insightful, a great friend, and gets a kick out of debating. He doesn't know how to barbecue.
Shen comes from Texas but doesn't know how to barbecue.
by frenchfryfrog52 September 10, 2011
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