Ripped off, cheated, treated most unfairly by people or even just by fate...

The story of Shark Island!
Shark Island were the biggest band in LA in the 80's, every band copied their style, their moves, everything. Axl Rose ripped off a lot of Richard Black's (Shark Island singer) moves and got famous with them. Yep, Shark Island got well and truly shafted!
by Dope Slanger August 24, 2006
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1. Originating in Old Europe during the Middle Ages, where burial space was often in short supply throughout many communities. To maximize use of space in many cemetaries, the dead were often buried in a 6 foot vertical shaft, rather than the usual horizontal grave position. The vertical position was considered less socially respectable. Thereafter the term began to mean poor treatment given to someone in such a way that demeans him or affirms second hand status as a citizen.

In communities that had active, but hidden, homosexual communities, the phrase took on a second meaning in double entendre, referring to the humiliating prospect of having to bend over, grab one's ankles, and recieve painful anal intercourse from someone who is overly aggressive and abusive.
When they fired Bob, they gave him the shaft.
by bucky buckmeister November 17, 2006
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Everything bad in life.

Often one gets the shaft, meaning that they were utterly screwed over in life.
Jerry always gets the shaft.
by steelman August 18, 2003
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1. when something exceedingly bad or negative happens to you, you respond by exclaiming "A-shaft!"

2. when you are forced into doing something you do not want to do, similar to forcedown
joe: i just got a 30% on my final, a car ran over my bike and my mother and two sister's are in the hospital.
bob: A-shaft! (or "that's an A-shaft")
by jake goldstein March 23, 2007
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To get screwed over.
I got shafted when I went to the mall to buy my clothes.
by Anonymous October 20, 2003
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1. A black private dick that's a sex machine to all the chicks.
2. The man that would risk his neck for his brother man
3. The cat that won't cop out when there's danger all about.
4. A Bad Mother--
5. A complicated man, no one understands him but his woman.
6. John Shaft.
by B October 8, 2002
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