A new buzzword/ boogeyman of the U.S. Can be added to the list of stereotypical enemies of the United States such as terrorists and communists.
A computer just got hacked? It has to be Russian Hackers!
by Assassin aprentice December 16, 2016
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The villains du jour; imaginary nefarious agents of chaos; a group of 400 pound high school students in a dark suburban basement.
by Crawdad Nelson December 14, 2016
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The purest human being ever. Makes reviews of kitchen gadgects, keeps bees, showed us how to peel an egg the Яцssiаи way and let his dogs walk him once
“Yo have you seen Crazy Russian Hacker’s new video?”
“Nah why”
Yoo he tests more gadjecgs”
by Benya Benya March 21, 2018
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