"Ring ring! Last year called!"

Said by Über-hipsters who are always on the cutting edge of popular and alternative culture, and soon to be on the cutting edge of a very unpopular switchblade.
person 1: Hey have you seen Goatse?
person 2: RING RING
by flaunted October 25, 2005
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An onomatopoeia, which is, you guessed it, commonly used between two BFFs. It usually occurs when one bff needs/wants to ring the other, and usually texts the other saying 'ring ring?' which in bff language translates to, 'can i ring you?'
Mary: Ring ring bee?
Jen: Ummm maybe later after revision.
Mary: Hmmf. Fine. Nvm. ring ring tomorow instead?
Jen: Well i'm kind of seeing sally tomorow..
Mary: HMMMF.

Mary: Hoy, ring ring?
Jen: Well I need to drop my mom off, then finish my homework, then do some revision, then make tea for my brother, then clean out the fish, then pick my mom up, then go to work, then have a shower...

Jen: Sorry we haven't been able to talk much lately.. but we can ring ring tomorow for a whole hour!
Mary: Really!??YAYBEE:)!
by HmmfCreator June 7, 2009
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Noise that a phone makes.
*ring ring* "Yello?" "Is your refridgerator running?" "Yes indeedeed!" "Well then, don't let the bed bugs bite!"
etc. etc. etc.
etc. etc. etc.
etc. etc. etc.
by A_Llama March 4, 2004
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I went to the store to buy milk, but some ring ring cleared out the place
by Hannibal March 29, 2003
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Some fucked up wrestleing move where a big gorilla man spins someone around and then claps his sorry ass to a early grave.
Yo mate you're jaws hangin off you alright? No I've just been ring ring kinged you stupid cunt. I understand that if anymore words come poring out of your cunt mouth ill ring ring king you out of the door!
by Asda carpark August 23, 2017
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