Shit that's faker than Pam Anderson's titties and more fixed than pro wrestling!
by Anonymous September 9, 2003
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Shallow television because reality TV is a one trick pony. It relies on stretching out tension ridiculously and keeping interest with promising plot twists. In most cases, after you see a reality tv series once you pretty much show no interest to watch it again, and that's the only factor that will keep dramas and comedies alive on television. Unfortunately reality TV has saturated the networks so much that mundane fictional television shows are getting praise because there is a huge lack of variety despite hundreds and hundreds of channels. Reality tv = tv hell
by ih8uplzdie November 2, 2004
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Shows that get their entertainment value from the fake suffering of the cast members going through "real life" situations that never happen in the first place.
by poopie face April 26, 2003
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The reason why God will one day regret having created humans and destroy us all.
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I'm not sure if it's TV, but I'm sure that whoever came up with the idea needs to be taken out and shot. Repeatedly.
He watched reality TV and lost his IQ in the process.
by Ainolketta February 18, 2005
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A waste of time. They just make a bunch of crazy, pointless shows with these hillbillies that they find on the side of the road. Or, more likely, find under a rock. The shows consist of rednecks trying useless attempts at catching large fish with their bare hands, trading a sheep for a car, and arguing over a storage box that may or may not have something useful in it. These shows involve sluts sitting on motorcycles for absolutely no reason and terribly-fake staged bar fights.
(Guy 1) Hey did you watch the new episode of Hillbilly Handfishing on the reality TV channel?
(Guy 2) Yes, and I almost died of boredom

(Guy 1) Have you ever watched Storage Wars?
(Guy 2) *runs and hides under bed*
(Guy 1) I'll take that as a no...?
by IAmAUnicorn April 3, 2013
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Aliens will never visit earth because they will see our reality tv shows and think we're all dumbasses who need to be killed.
by alienware 4tw May 15, 2005
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