A genre of music hailing from the land of South Korea with an absurdly huge fanbase. It's basically just the same shitty American pop music with electronic melodies, auto-tune, and repetitive/unintelligent lyrics, but in Korean instead of English. The male American fans of K-Pop are usually only fans because they have a bad case of yellow fever, and think that listening to Asian music will make them get all of that Asian pussy. The female fans, are just kind of rabid and psychotic. Overall, shitty music with shitty fans. Come at me, weeaboos.
Everyone in the class noticed Brian listening to loud K-Pop and checking out the Asian chicks.
by SevenDonkeys December 27, 2014
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The most shittiest thing in the world that you could ever face
Guy 1: What kind of music do you like?
Guy 2: K-pop
Guy 1: *dies*
Guy 2: whoops, I forgot K-pop is gay!
by u bettr sutp August 1, 2019
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a super cool, fresh off the boat asian teen who dresses and acts like a korean pop star.
Look at the dude with the hair and sandals yellow Coach man purse, he is so k pop.
by I know asians. April 14, 2006
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K-Pop is a type of music from KOREA. It contains boy groups, girl groups, mixed groups and solo artists
K-Pop is NOT Chinese
by arimy December 7, 2020
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Ok boomer (a reference for calling someone old)
Son: “Shut up I’m on instagram”

Dad :“You know, back in my day we didn’t have smart phones

Son:“K pop”
by nickadamz1 April 3, 2020
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A terrible genre of music so shallow, kiddie pools look 6 metres deeper. Not even hell wants this crap.
Give me a reason why K-pop doesn't succ.
by Korean male July 4, 2019
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The worst, shittiest, crappiest, bitcheist, craziest, fucked up, shitty, gay, gey, shitty, fucking bullshit, music genre made by fucking Korean weebs who are motherfucking cunts who are 60 and live in their gay mother's fucking gay ass basement when they're 70.
Fuck K-pop, it's gay.
by noobslayer699 December 19, 2018
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