The number of turds in any given trip to the bathroom.
After going to the bathroom, Bill said the toilet had a poopulation of 6.
by Falconet October 1, 2007
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The euphoria that comes after one is relieved of an enormous poo. That relief that you feel, then the feeling of weighing less. This especially occurs after you've been holding it in for an extended period of time.
A: Dude, you look really happy right now. Why is that?
B: I'm in an extreme sense of poopulation.


Alex: Molly, say that Russia's POPULATION is higher, not their poopulation, I doubt that that is included on the chart.
Molly: -laughs- Good point.
by Alex Clayden April 16, 2008
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The act of dropping a deuce so large that it fills the entire bowl.
Man, I just poopulated that toilet something fierce, really, it was so big I thought I might name it for future reference.
by Petrodono November 4, 2005
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when you feel fabulous about your poop.
omg!, I just pooped out fabulous rainbows! How poopulous!
by yoyoyo1234567890minecraft January 28, 2014
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verb; to populate a table with shitty data, often to make the associated statistics/metrics appear more favorable
I just poopulated the client sales metrics table. They should be much happier with the numbers now.
by upperleft May 1, 2018
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1. (verb) To change from any form to the form of a dookie
1. Ryan, does corn poopulate?
by Zach Maron June 24, 2005
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1. To populate, with poop.

2. To populate a massive amount of objects in a sloppy fashion.
It doesn't seem like extra work
(except for fixing the breakables that have already been made) to only
poopulate a break sound on the last child of the heirarchy of an object
that is meant to shatter.
by Skeleturd March 16, 2005
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