"There are unlimited bad situations which would occur unmeasurably more frequently without the police, so give it up already." Yeah yeah yeah. Look at any stateless society, whether it's the Bushmen or the Paris Commune, and you see exactly the opposite. All this nonsense about civilisation being overwhelmed by bogeymen if the cops didn't exist is just the result of the feverish imaginations of people who are still trapped in their Oedipus issues, think daddy's going to kill them unless they do as they're told and so project their repressed desire to be free onto other people, imagining it to be a desire to do bad things instead. Also, there's a big list of bad situations which only happen because of the police, e.g.: being stitched up, being Rodney Kinged, being arrested for DWB, wars which happen cos cops smash protests against them, fascists who take power with police support, racism which is fuelled by police support for the racist social order, class power, the anti-union laws, the Criminal Justice Act, etc. etc. All this Nazi nonsense would be impossible without cops so start thinking for yourself instead of believing the crap you're told at school and on the telly.
Fuck pigs!

Fuck pigfuckers!

Fight for freedom!!!!!
by down with pigfuckers! May 5, 2004
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Good men and women who are highly disrespected, mainly by the low-life criminal scum that they have to deal with. If a cop caught you smoking pot, and told your mommy, and you got in weally big twouble wiff your mommy, don't blame the cops for messing up your life. That's your own doing, it's what happens when you abuse crap like that. Respect the police, you can't respect a whole lot of other people nowadays.
Example(16 year old idiot stoner)=Dude, the police caught me smoking weed and told my mom. I'm real bummed because my mom got real mad at me and like, I was grounded. Damn, man.

Example(Inner city "gangsta")=WTF dog, you trippin', all I did yo was stuff that 13 year old girl's hole and then pop her wiff my piece, yo. Why you hatin'? Damn police! Snap, you messin' my vibe, homes!
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highschool outcasts who never had any friends, so they feel as if they should take out their anger on society (mainly blacks) to compensate for their pathetic lives. commonly known as the lowest form of life.
Police are little bitches with guns that can't fight. A Marine (myself) would murder a cop with his bare hands. Cops are PUSSIES!!
by John Cena (The Marine) October 30, 2006
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1.something you run from if you are black or hispanic

2.something that makes black people with nice things disappear fast

3.for some reason whenever they arrive theres no reason for them anymore

1. *gang of black people hear police siren*

2. my friend: hey brah nice 'forces
me: yeah i just bought them you like?
Friend: yea
*police sirens*
friend: woah police are coming
friend: Brah, Brah? where you go brah?

3. 911 dialer: theres a gang shooting at the intersection of miramar parkway and university drive
policeman: we are on it
*3 hours later bodies all over te floor*
policeman: ok we are here hey where is everyone?
by aniggathatluvswomen April 15, 2009
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"people change their minds when they find themselves needing the police". They've got us over a barrel cos the state has smashed mutual support networks and then makes everyone go to the state on its own terms, in which case we're then supposed to feel grateful to the bastards whose fault it is that we "need" them in the first place. If cops were doing such a good job, there wouldn't be any crime so we wouldn't "need" to call them at all. All societies with states have high crime rates whereas primitive societies had no crime even though there were no cops. Anyway, if you happen to need help, you're as likely as not to be told to piss off or even beaten up yourself for being a troublemaker - e.g. Asians in Oldham, UK reported race attacks and firebombings by Nazis, cops turned up and started beating Asians. Then there's an uprising and all the bloody morons come out shrieking cos people were fighting the cops. All this about the cops being useful is fucking bullshit.
All these excuses are a pile of wank.
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POLICE - extremely dedicated indivuals who protect and serve our commuities. Enforce societies norms and laws. Also, trained in life saving techniques in case of life threatning emergency.
The Police serve us selflessly to protect us from ourselves most often. dui's dwi's drugs guns fights robbery assaults etc....

Anyone having a problem with the law in most cases have a problem with society, and should refer their anger at the legislature who actually make the laws they like to break so much.

so keep ridin dirty and keep me busy ;)
by The-Enforcer December 18, 2006
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oh shit i just killed someone!

nah he was a police officer
let me know when you kill a roach then i might give a fuck

oh ok cool i'm a hero
by totheA October 6, 2006
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