A photo or post on Pinterest worth re-pinning to your own board, because it's funny, useful, or true.
'How to make 15 mixed drinks with one chaser?' How pinteresting...I guess I'll save that to my Grubs&Drinks board!
by mhartley420 November 27, 2011
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When you're too distracted by Pinterest to be bothered by anything else.
"Hey come look at this!" "Nope, too Pinterested."
by xxmicky August 29, 2012
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A word to describe a digital image just before someone infringes on its copyright by handing out rights to distribute it to a website called Pinterest, without the permission of the image's creator.
"Oh, this is pinteresting! I will add this to my digital image hoard on Pinterest! Hopefully I will earn the approval of my followers when they repin the image to their own digital hoard, copyright infringement is so worth it. God forbid I should consider the consequences of my actions on the person who created this pinteresting image."
by DrippingGoofball July 5, 2012
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Past tense of the action of repinning a post on Pinterest.

Did you see those tutorials I Pinterested yesterday on how to crochet with dog fur?

I should have Pinterested that link because I can't remember what it was now.
by ils_angel December 14, 2012
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an adjective to describe something you see in real life that you might see on your pinterest.
This homemade-looking pillow with the bird design on it is pinteresting.
by megslovinlife September 30, 2011
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Some claim that this is known as a domestic goddess version of tumblr but it's a useful tool for those who are in investigative journalism and are noted for writing creative nonfiction. It's handy when doing research and able to pin subject's photos and their own blog entries after they get freight-trained or handed a journalistic kapow; it's useful for fact checking as it gives a visual aid for those who do a CBSNews or FoxNewsChannel form of investigative journalism as a hobby on Wordpress and tumblr. It's a fun plaything for pundits. It's easy something to piss off those who use twitter. They have a certain limit for one's commentary on the pins or when uploads their own as they can put a url behind the link. Some pinterest pins on profiles might turn a few heads; though Friday the 13th alumn Lar Park Linkin with her pins shows she's a bit lighter and softer than other horror alumni. Heather Langenkamp is known for the twitter tag #specialplaceinhell as The Cabbie Homicide writer also used this tag and #rightsideofhistory when speaking up for science from a Christian and Conservative perspective as he's a theistic evolutionist who engaged the son of Dr. Dino.
The Cabbie Homicide writer really employs pinterest for his fact checking? Wait how many pins does he have on the fact checking board? oh shit he's really detailed in his findings. He uses the fact checking pins to pound on pedophiles and criminals as he pinned the article where the cop taunted a shooter with K-Y jelly in the courtroom.
by illinoishorrorman January 16, 2018
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