A condition produced when a poker player receives such a bad beat that s/he will forever play poorly and erratically.
'Man, when I hit that one-outer Senor Foldo totally flipped. Real perma-tilt job.'
by TheGameKat February 14, 2008
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A sympton that occurs in males, often after having mass amounts of sexual intercourse. The male counterpart can not conceal his erection, therefore having a perma-bone.
Oh man, I went and visited the in-laws last night, and they wouldn't stop checking out my perma-bone
by Count Mortimer August 7, 2003
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Permanently baked.
Gets stoned so much that they don't need to get high because they already act like it or express themselves like it, Or in that case smoke themselves retarded to get permanently baked.

kind of like the character Bryan from the movie Half Baked.
damn that nigga jake blazes soo much i saw em the other day and i thought that bitch is perma-baked.
by wacky frizbee May 3, 2006
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to be constantly grining.usually from the affects of acid, LSD.
Man he's tripping so bad he got permagrin
by turbo October 8, 2003
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a "permanent grin" which one can only achieve through being in a totally different dimension (usually through use of peyote, lsd, and is definitely popular with shrooms)
guy1: so herd everyone went trippin this weekend, how was it?
guy2: it was great, everyone was real chill, paul's dumbass had a stupid perma grin that he couldnt wipe off and he didnt say shit the whole time. Hes such a sleezebag.
by Mac Linton June 25, 2005
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The insincerely constant smiling expression on the face of a politician or other performer, which is meant to ingratiate oneself with voters/fans, as opposed to being a true expression of the person's feelings.
Headline of a political commentary article: "Mitt Romney: the man behind the perma-smile."

"Because she's always wearing that perma-smile, it's hard to know what's really going on with her.
by Mme K September 21, 2012
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The seemingly permanent smile that someone has after spending time with someone that they are very fond of, or doing something that they enjoy.
Kathi leaves work everyday with a Perma-grin. She must really love her job!

Look at the Prema-Grin that Christina is wearing this morning! I wonder who she was with last night?

by AnthonyOhio August 2, 2007
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