referring to the ADD/ADHD drug Adderall because of it's primarily orange colored tablet and capsule. Also referred to as addy.
I just took an orangie an hour ago so I should be firing on all piston's any minute now. Any chance you could find me an orangie before school is out today?
by GlennK December 20, 2009
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Someone who uses way too much natural glow lotion to get tan but they think that they are naturally tan, from the lotion, and that they look good.
Boy: Have you talked to orangie lately?
Girl: No I haven't, have you?
by jlwf September 22, 2010
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When four or more people engage in the enjoyment of eating an orange
Dude did you hear about the orangy thats gonna go down next Friday!
by pseudonymNA February 25, 2009
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Orgy between people of the ginger haired discent.
"Hey man, wanna come over and watch the game tonight?"
"Nah man, I've got this orangy I said I'd go to with my neighbour."
"No, Chucky."
by Snagerus June 10, 2013
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an orgy involving one or more extremely ginger kids
that girl told me she just finished having an orangy with the kids from that really ginger band!
by Albrina Mogold May 3, 2008
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Kevin: What do you think of this drawing?

Mike: It should be even orangier!
by Zipline Orange April 10, 2015
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warm cuddling sessions with multiple close friends, sometimes to the point of slight sexual or emotional arousal, but never to the point of prolonged discomfort or suggestive behavior; cuddlefests
Yeah, seriously, calm down. What's a little orangie between friends?
by Singingninja007 June 12, 2011
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