What greed, oligarchy, fascism, populism, nationalism, and hate intermingle in the post-industrial age. Occurs sometime after the American 'Great Recession.'
A: Dude, looks like capitalism is going to go bust, and in the meanwhile, tons of seemingly normal people are hating on immigrants because of their faiths or home country. The elites are richer than they were before, and many of them are pandering bigotry wholesale.
B: They should call it the Great Oppression. The fear is blinding their reason again.
by effrankie March 12, 2017
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Technical meaning: To internalize the fact of being oppressed. In other words, to treat the state of oppression as if it were normal.
Internalized oppression: as the tyrannical king ruled over the country, its citizens have eventually learned to treat the harsh oppression as a part of their normal everyday life, never questioning their freedoms.
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When a middle class white activist gets bored and starts to feel left out and unimportant because they and their family have not been discriminated against
Person 1:"Why was Steven talking about how he knew what being robbed of cultural heritage felt like at that anti-racism and oppression rally, I though his background was British"
Person 2: "He just found out he's an eighth Armenian and they were invaded by Turkey almost 100 years ago"
Person 1: "Sounds like he's suffering from oppression envy"
by DylanB March 21, 2016
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Oppression that occurs at the institutional level, such as in government policy-making, within educational institutions and the throughout the health care system. While one-on-one experiences of discrimination might stand out more in our minds, systemic oppression is even farther-reaching because it is coded right into the institutions we depend on to survive.
"Bathroom bills" passed in various states are an example of the systemic oppression of transgender people.
by Jade310 February 13, 2019
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The name for the phenomena of the American economy sinking into the quicksand of Obamanomics to depths equaling or surpassing those of The Great Depression.
Roosevelt spent and grew government transforming a narrow financial crisis into: The Great Depression. Obama is spending and growing government transforming a narrow financial crisis into: The Great Oppression.
by RTHTGakaRoland June 27, 2011
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The Oppressed Apache: The act in which ones bunghole is pounded so hard that it cries a single tear for its people after the senseless beatings and hostilities have ceased.
Sorry babe I gave you the oppressed apache last night. I just really was into it ballsdeep Alabama hot pocket Cleveland steamer
by The Oppressed Apache June 10, 2015
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