The loudest girl in the world
Om is a girl that makes you face brighten everyday because of her lame joke and her kidness. When people ask where Om? Tell them that she still in the world making people life better. She a friend that you wouldn't forget for all your life. Her loudness makes her more awesome then ever!!!!!!!
by Crazystupidgirl March 20, 2015
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A salty person who thinks he is cool but he isnt
Stop being such an Om
by pencileraser January 29, 2019
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He is smart, charming and sexy. He is everything a woman wants and chicks dig him. He is sort of overconfident and bragging some times though.
by ye November 9, 2004
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A guy who would leave his bestfriend since grade 4 for other people and never talk to them again and always made fun of their friends to make them feel bad. They also make immature jokes to make people laugh when it is actually really annoying.
Om should get back with his old friends for the better.
by HungryGirrafe July 14, 2021
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Tiny little cry baby who is teased by Everyone.Has no friends at all and is a loner. Generally LGBT people are named as Om
Boy says to another boy " I love Your"
The other boy " Fu*k off you are such an om
by Wrgdsttdschh September 10, 2018
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someone who compensates for their small penis by looking extravagant or calling other females flat
Guy One: Look at him pulling up with his Lambo
Guy Two: He's pulling an OM
by minnfinn44 October 20, 2018
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1. A living Boogeh-er.
2. The molester of Parasite, Diamondninja, and Bob.
3. The dance Dance Revolution King of England.
4. The Princess of BlitzRO.
1. * ome-ome molests diamond
<diamondninja> OMGoose i just got molested by Ome-Ome!
2. * PseudoShadow uses the useless ursine ute to usurp the unscrupulous ome-ome, who's also an unlucky unlearned unkempt pair of underpants
3. * ome-ome dances
by diamondninja-Victom- March 28, 2005
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