Nugly can mean a variety of things. The most common is "nigger-ugly." It can be used to describe people on xbox who play all of the "niggah" games such as MidnightClub:LA, Halo, and GTA. Nugly can be used to describe that guy who is just a complete idiot on occasion to the point that you want to kill them. The uncommon definition is "gayest of the gay" or just ugly with an "N" in front of it. It also refers to your adams apple.
Guy 1: Hey man, you wanna go play some Halo?
Guy 2: Naw man, your such a Nugly.
Guy 1: OMFG, I just got accepted into my community college!
Guy 2: Fuck you, nugly bitch.

Guy 2: I am going to punch you right in the nugly.
by COUNT DINO April 15, 2011
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Short for "not ugly", since "notugly" sounds ugly, too.
So when someone is the exact opposite of ugly, he or she is nugly.
A: Am I ugly?

B: What? No! You're totally nugly! You look good!!
by a_new_add February 2, 2011
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Term for a male who is Napolean Dynamite ugly. Overall, dorky, weird and a big loser.
That dude is so nugly I want to bust out my nunchucks and beat him with 'em.
by Liz and Jill September 23, 2005
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"Ew, nobody wanna mess wit a nugly bitch
by Trillie tha kidd April 4, 2015
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Quite simply, the ugliest you can get.
Paris hilton, Anorexic Lindsay Lohan, any person who is hard to look at without your soul hurting.
by Cheesebadger May 26, 2005
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