N. A minute, a length of time that is observed in New York City. Does not differ from a regular minute.
A New York Minute is sixy seconds, just like in the rest of the world.
by Jarvy December 10, 2003
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1. An undefined amoutnt of time. Could be much longer or shorter than a minute because of the dynamics of city life.

2. Timed difficulty mode of Max Payne
1. My life changed in a New York minute

2. WOOO I fainally beat Max Payne on New York Minute.
by Just zis guy, you know? December 11, 2003
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A fuxing hard difficulty setting o Max Payne.

You have 1 minute to finish the level, but you can gain seconds to your time by killing ans stuff.
">_< OMFG how the fuck am I supposed to run that fast to the fucking end of the fucking subway"
by RandyL December 9, 2003
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The length of time New York Subway Trains have their doors open, about 28 to 30 seconds. Everything is fast in new York City. If You do something twice as fast as regular, that's a New York minute.
I'll be done with (whatever) in a New York Minute. big Hurry
by L.A. Boy May 15, 2013
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