NTNS as in “no tea no shade” which is said when something that makes you go and I oop is said or done as if you never saw or heard it.
Wow she fucked Her bestfriends boyfriend? NTNS🤭
by Lalexrudder October 12, 2019
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No tea no shade.

A phrase used when you’re not trying to offend someone with your words but it’s just stating truth.

Used before or after a scentence you say, almost like saying “no offense
NTNS , but tøp’s newer music isn’t as good as their older music.
by YouCantFightTheHomestuck June 4, 2018
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No Tea No Shade. Used for when you do not want any drama or to throw any shade.
Maria- "Good morning!"
Jake- "You sleep like a pig it's 5pm"
Maria- "..."
Jake- "ntns?"
by Da Frosty December 1, 2018
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A promiscuous and fascinating character, who may be found roaming various realms of NPCs and Ishravs. Famous for "liking to touch," beautiful coco-circles, and immaculate note-taking, he's occasionally emo, but a rizzler at heart. In terms of physical appearance, he's every man's (and woman's) dream fantasy, fully equipped with a convenient storage unit in his chest (although it has recently been downgraded.)
Ex 1:
(Random day in the middle of summer break)
Person 1: What do you think NTN DVDSN is doing rn?
Person 2: He's been reviewing geo notes for the past 8 hours

Ex 2:
Person 1: Holy moly, why is there a line of 500 men and women waiting to get a chance with that guy?
Person 2: It's definitely an NTN DVDSN.
by Ishravichy April 30, 2023
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Guy 1:"Hey did you tell x about y yet"
Guy 2:"Nah they on a NTN basis"
Guy 1:"The hell is NTN and why are you saying acronyms in a regular conversation"
Guy 2:"Need to Know and yeah kinda cringe but its faster"
by TedTheSlayer October 19, 2022
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