To be so fat that your life has no worth. Hiding candy thoughtout one's room is a sign of being obese, but blaming others for it makes one morbidly obese.

If your only purpose in life to making CO2 and turning food into feces
My friend Damian is morbidly obese. He spends all day sitting around watching the price is right and eating bonbons. He is a fat mess. He is too fat to fit in our canoe.
by Fat Clown's Neighbor December 4, 2006
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When you watch morbius too much and gain morb weight.
Doctor: you are Morbidly Obese
Patient: does that mean I have to stop watching Morbius?
Doctor: yes
Patient: :(
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Adj(combined with an adverb!):

Obese to the extreme. Weighs over 100 pounds the weight they should be for their height and age.
"Look mommy, that lady is morbidly obese! Waa!"
by Surazal February 1, 2004
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aw crap there’s no returning from my morbid obesity
carl is morbidly obese”
by fetus foot November 9, 2019
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Very fat, having over 57 chins and/or ripples.
Holy jankers, that sheman is morbidly obese.
by Bobo November 12, 2003
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To be so overweight that you are proclaimed dead. Comes from the french word mourir(mort) which means to die.
Damn, he shouoldn't be called fat albert, he should be called Morbidly Obese Fat Albert
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