A man with a simian gait and a tendancy towards random acts of mischief.
Has Monkey Boy swaggered off with the rent to buy a bag of garys again.
by Gareth Mitchell January 12, 2004
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Noun - A hairy female from Marketing that uses a man's razor to create the space between her eyebrows. This same razor is then used to remove her 5 o'clock shadow from her upper lip.
When I kissed Monkey Boy my lips got chaffed from her razor stubble.
by Taint Licker April 14, 2003
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Mashpee student who acts like a monkey because his dad fucked the monkey in the zoo. He is hald monkey with lots of pimples.
by poop shoot April 20, 2004
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Someone who makes the tea, also known as a placement student.
by Anonymous April 28, 2003
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George W. Bush thinks, acts, and looks like a monkey. Therefore he is a monkey boy.
by jesster79 March 5, 2005
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A little hairy knuckle dragging drunk that does the chimp walk.
Look...there's Jack the monkey boy.
by Organ grinder January 22, 2008
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To chase and beat someone up as if they had just took your bags and shit while you were preoccupied
“Yo, I monkey boyed the shit out of this dude I bumped into at the club last night”
“Was he stealing your shit or something?”
“No, but he was talking shit at me and I just completely lost it
by Jaaaaaam April 25, 2020
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