a woman who loathes men, and is most likely claiming to be a feminist
What do you think a feminist is? ...That's not a feminist. You're thinking of a misandrist.
by KingAnonymous December 8, 2018
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What some "feminists" actually are.
"People who hate on men aren't feminists. They're misandrists."
by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 9, 2022
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a common sadistic morbid piece of scum-fucking shit, usually claiming to be a "feminist," who tells suicide jokes and bullies and harasses little boys online and tries to make them kill themselves because they get some twisted pleasure out of the suffering of other human beings

Misandrists are just as bad as misogynists and are self-absorbed heartless pricks, and if it were up to me they would all rot away in the pit of Hell. Anyone who tells you misandrists don't exist is either schizophrenic or just a big fat liar.
Misandrist: I fucking hate men. All men are trash. Men are useless beings. Men shouldn't exist. Men are scum. All men are rapists. All men should die. Drink male tears. Castrate all men. Kill all men. All men are scum. All men are assholes. Kill male babies.

Logical person: You are making hurtful over-generalizations about men.

Misandrist: Shut the fuck up! If you think I'm generalizing, you're an idiot. All I want is equality. KILL ALL MEN!
Logical person: Don't ever talk to me again.
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n. 1. One who hates men. 2. Advocate of denial of rights or social status to men.
The children were denied access to their father because the judge is a misandrist.
by Mystikan November 19, 2003
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its literally ok to be a misandrist. a lot of women nowadays are, and they get a lot of praise. misandry disguised as feminism is a lot of their mentality. they trash men for no good reason. i get men can be very shitty but think of the ones with low self esteem. think of why theyre so bitter. think of why theyre mean muggin. its because of you misandrists.
men are trash” is one of the tweets a misandrist would have on her twitter profile if a man replies to that tweet asking if he did something, he is trash
by The Big Apple on Yik Yak November 22, 2021
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Manhater: You're a misogynistic pig!

Dude minding his own business: You're a misandrist cunt!
by St3v3TX August 27, 2017
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