William Straus and Neil Howe's clustering of millennials based on birth years, the generational classification was referred to as Generation Y, and muddled the fair representation of those who experienced their adolescence and cognitive-development years in step with the nascent phase of home-based Internet access technology.

While often lumped together with millennials (as defined by Straus and Howe), the developmental phase of social interaction, which involved information technology's burgeoning impact on society, was overlooked. Generation Y represented the crossroads between millennials who were well immersed in computer technology even as far as experiencing an institutionalization of computer education in academic curricula and Generation X members who were heavily immersed in broadcast media's influence and yet largely uninitiated in computer technology. Generation Y represents the link between the non-digital age society shaped by Generation X, as adolescents (MTV Generation), and the dawn of the Internet age that saw the transitioning of society to easily accessible online communities (Bulletin board system, MIRC, Yahoo! Groups, Internet forum) especially during the introduction of dial-up Internet access to households.

Gen Y entangled pop culture and digital community-building through bulletin board systems, online forums, website mailing groups, mIRC, ICQ, and other electronic modes of communication (predecessors to social media) into today's digital age.
Generation Y and Generation Z cannot be lumped together and be called Millennials; the two groups are distinct and the eggheads who said so are idiots.
by CommandereON January 19, 2018
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A member of Generation Y.

A generation being the average period it takes a human to be born, grown to adulthood and on average be expected to reproduce. A twenty year period.

This means the millennials that make up Generation Y were born between 1980 and 1999. The generation that saw the change of the millennium from the 20th to 21st century.
There is no good reason people have so much trouble identifying who is considered to be a millennial.
by Viroodiem February 27, 2019
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(Derogatory Term)

Someone who just wants to die but copes with it by posting bad "Memes"
Someone: "Dan never gets out of bed or takes a shower. He's on the internet all day! He is such a Millennial. FIX MY COMPUTER DAN!"

Dan: "Sigh"
by DepressoEspresso August 31, 2018
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A person who would say, without a hint of intentional irony, "I hate how all white men suffer from toxic masculinity and constantly inflict microaggressions due to their failure to check their privilege and respect the safe spaces of others. Oh, yeah... and I hate stereotypes."
Can you believe what that millennial just said? What's wrong with these kids today?
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Special little snowflake.

Born between 1982 and 1994 this generation is something special, cause Mom and Dad and their 5th grade teacher Mrs. Winotsky told them so. Plus they have a whole shelf of participation trophies sitting at home so it has to be true.

They believe themselves to be highly intelligent, the teachers and lecturers constantly gave them "A"'s in order to keep Mom and Dad from complaining to the Dean. Unfortunately, nobody explained to them the difference between and education and grade inflation so they tend to demonstrate poor spelling and even poorer grammar.

At work, millennials believe themselves to be overachievers who just aren't understood by their loser bosses. Even Mom said so when she showed up for the interview. They are the only generation in the universe to understand the concept of work life balance and to actually want to find a fulfilling career. All those Gen X losers just don't get it what with hoping to keep their jobs and pay the bills but they are just corporate drone so who cares what they think? They should be smart like Millennials and get Mom and Dad to pay for that stuff until they can work out what they want to do with their lives and then get rich doing it.
Well, I've been here at this job for 6 months now and I've been on time mostly so I should get a raise now 'cause I've paid my dues.
Did you know we are the most technologically advanced generation, like eva? And smart too. They call us millennials cause we were born before the millennial I think.
by The witter July 15, 2010
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A millennial is a person born between the years 1982 and 2004. Millennials are the generation after Generation X (1965-1984). They tend to be more confident and optimistic (sometimes unrealistically so) than previous generations. Mantra of the Millennials: "Follow Your Heart."
Millennials need to stop waiting for their dreams to come true and start making them happen.
by sojournerhere October 11, 2016
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A millennial is a person born from the years 1982 and 2004. Millennials are generally considered to be self-absorbed and spoiled, and even if the spoiling is not their fault, they still get blamed for being shallow.
The millennial vote was a key decider in the presidential election.
by CityGirl24 November 14, 2016
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