A series where a popular Youtuber (Penguinz0/Cr1tikal/Charlie) gives reviews on movies, shows, and games. He is always very honest with his reviews and is never hesitant to fully hate on the movie/game/show if he does not like it. At the end of the video he rates how good it was anywhere from 0% to 100%.
"Have you watched that new horror movie that came out a few weeks ago?"
"No, I was going to until I watched Cr1tukal's Moist Meter on it."
by ItzSpark March 17, 2021
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The amount of bull shit you can handle over the internet before you say we are lieing; the result of this is usually, but not always, mass flaming. The bs meter is usually filled up pretty quickly in chat rooms and social networking sites.
Garnett: Conrad Hilton goes to my highschool. lololol
David: My bs meter just filled up a bit
Monopoly: I made a 2330 on my SAT
David: Guys, srsly stop.
Allan: My uncle works at Jagex
by Cpt Sackboy May 7, 2010
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An event commonly ran for track and field: a mix between sprinting and distance. Those who are good at are seen as superhuman by the rest of the team. 800 meters is about half a mile. Commonly referred to as simply "the 800"
Why run the 800 (800 meter) when you could light yourself on fire and roll in broken glass and feel the same way?
by soccerhurdler11 December 17, 2014
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A 10 point FDA certified scale of vaginal moisture. 1 being equivalent to the Sahara Desert and 10 being Niagra Falls.
My girl about drowned me last night. She was totally a 10 on the moisture meter.
by Coco Sean August 3, 2017
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A tool invented by an unknown scientest that reads how gay a person is. It is measured in Fruit Baskets and when it reaches 50 then you will be haunted by Liberachi. If it doesn't read anything than we should party.
You: Yo man get away from me my Gay Meter is reading 65.
Mike:I know. what you don't see Liberachi?
You:No but your mom saw me in her bed last night!
by Mattastic30 March 4, 2010
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He could tell how cold it was because her Chilly Meters were showing.
by Brian Wodele September 22, 2003
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A mythical device often mentioned on Internet discussion fora, the irony meter is a device for measuring unintentional irony. It is best known for breaking or exploding when the irony becomes too strong.
That politician's speech last night caused sparks to shoot out of my irony meter.
by Doctor Whom October 31, 2005
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