Hindi Abbreviation for mu me le le.
English Translation - Take my *insert random word here , according to your thinking ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)* in your mouth.
Often used to overcome frustration or as a sarcastic response to any situation.
Guy 1 : Help me plox ;-;
Guy 2 : Mml bc :3
by Siddharth Lulz :3 June 20, 2016
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Used in place of lol it means Makes Me Laugh.
by Meh..... May 9, 2004
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stands for "Mitch My Life", usually used in place of fml, or "F**k My Life" as a stronger, more heartfelt expression of the thoughts of the person's circumstances or situation. No one named Mitch can ever use the acronym "mml". Not even as a joke. They just can't. Ever.
"Dude, my girlfriend dumped me, I jammed my finger in the car door, I burnt all my hair off cooking toast, and then my dog crapped on my foot. MML."
by liddlejym April 20, 2010
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Makes me laugh. A new and better alternative to "lol."
I just saw John get kicked in the balls by a 4 year old! Mml!

Andy fell asleep in Spanish today and the teacher smacked him! Mml!
by Megan Hottie October 30, 2009
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Marijuana Memory Loss - The effects of smoking to much weed can cause MML.
I think you have smoked yourself retarded. You are suffering from MML. I told you last week about the car needing tires.
by LoneHuntress February 1, 2008
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2050 is “MML.”
by Dr. New May 19, 2020
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