ABC's popular tv show that the title litterally explains what most of the viewers are, Lost, when watching.
Tom: Lost is so confusing but is a good show.
Bob: Lost makes me Lost. I couldnt keep up with anything.
by Prodocy December 28, 2007
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An online (and partialy offline) social experiment and game. The host of the game is a student in the UK who is showing how 7 million people can connect and be part of a community.

When someone signs up for the game they are given two things:

The first is a link that is unique to them, in the form of ( (When someone clicks on that link it gives that person the chance to sign up and play. When someones link is clicked, and the clicker signs up, the owner of the url gains points. Then that person gets a link, so the cycle continues.)

The second is a timer. If someone does not sign up using that persons link before the timer runs out. They lose.
-Man walks down the subway and spies a poster on the wall-

by Hellzend August 24, 2007
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to laugh; to lose control of yourself; to become engulfed in laughter.
by prettyclever August 24, 2011
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Overhyped US TV show, that should have been a 2 part TV movie but instead was dragged out into an endless stream of forty minutes episodes that never lead anywhere.
Whoever wrote polar bears into the storyline of Lost is an idiot.
by Phantom Definition Writer October 11, 2005
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The most efficient way to increase your IQ/and or induce migraines.
I watched the entire last season of Lost last night,and man,i feel smarter already!
by Writebox March 22, 2011
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An overplayed show that should have been a movie, but instead it was made into a drawn out T.V. show. Eveyone watches it, even my wacked out friends who are OBSESSED!
They most of the time say:

"Hey are you watching Lost today?"
"Yeah, when do I not?"
"Did Jack find the hatch?"
"I don't know"
They should make a show called
FOUND, that everyone would watch!

by Ellena June 21, 2006
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