1. a foreign language that the romans spoke, which is now a forgotten, dead language. many people still use it, and has been said by many to be the hardest language to learn.
Salve, loqour latine? (Hello, do you speak latin?)
by Akhaten October 28, 2014
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Language believed to be dead but has been kept alive by a secret cult living deep under Topeka that hopes some day to stage a coup and put Latin back in its place.
Es meus parvus ludibrio.
by Berny April 2, 2004
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Language from which many other languages are derived from.

No longer spoken but some schools still insist on teaching it for god-knows-what reason...
Person 1: SHIT!! I have my Latin exam tomorrow!!!

Person 2: Who gives a fuck? No-one speaks it anyway.
by Nick June 13, 2004
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Includes; Spanish, Portugese, and Italian. It is not the same as Latino. Latino means people of North, Central, and South America that speak Spanish. Italian is definiley latin because it was the offical language of the Roman empire and where Italian derived from. With big lips, black hair, beautiful tan skin, and bright brown eyes, Latins are among the hottest people.
Mario is Latin because he's Italian.
Esteban is Latin because he's from Spain.
Nuno is from Portugal is he also Latin.
Pablo is Mexican and Costa Rican, he is Latino because he is not from Europe, he speaks a different dilect of Spanish, and he is a mixed race.
by Jersey Kid November 2, 2007
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The majority of people who have written definitions of the word "Latin", that refers to the nationality are wrong. Times have changed and now the word latin and latino refers only to those who live in Latin American, not Europe. The majority of countries that are in Latin America speak Spanish except Brazil where the people speak portuguese, but they are still considered Latin. The people from Spain, that are located in Europe are NOT latin, because they are not located in Latin American, but they are Hispanic. All latinamericans except brazilians are hispanic, because they speak spanish.

Neither Jamaica, nor Guam and some countries that are located in the Caribbean and in the North of South America are Latin. All the countries that are located in Central America are latin. The only countries that are latin in the Caribbean are Puerto Rico, Cuba and Dominic Republic. Not Jamaica nor Haiti.

Times have changed. The language latin is barely used to communicate everyday in the whole world, so there is no reason to call the Italians, French and other europeans latin, unless they were born in a Latin American and moved over there.
-Trust me I am latin. I am from Puerto Rico.

-My friends are from Argentina,Mexico,Cuba, Ecuador and Colombia which makes them latin american. They may be from Latin America and speak spanish but they all have their own dialects and culture which makes them special and unique.

by Valerie C. December 18, 2005
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Dias Irae (Day of wrath)
Hic Jacet (Here lies... used in tombstones)
Memento Mori (reminder of mortality)
by Welp May 31, 2004
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