1. Small, portable computer that can be easily placed on your lap and give serious pain after many hours.
2. The leg and groin area of a male or female. Usually when the male's laptop is occupied by a female (or in nasty incidences, a male),...things can *come "up".

*Note: other ways of spelling "come" may be substituted.
1. I used my laptop while on the plane.
2. Come on baby, sit on my laptop and we'll see what comes up.
by Sherlock of the Creek July 12, 2003
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1. The top on the lap.
2. The lap on the top.
The laptop topped off the lap.
by vvlad June 13, 2006
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A plank either smooth wood or covered with a pillow or blanket. Used in South African mini buss taxi's between rows of seats to add an extra seating when the taxi exceeds maximum capacity.
We have space for 3 more . wheres the laptop. here it is sit here botty(male)/Sissy(Female)
Let the gogo(old lady) sit. here's a Laptop.
The guys getting off now . You Don't have to stand there's a laptop Free
by EBZ13 May 9, 2019
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A smaller computer with no room for anything on it, battery dies in 5minutes.
I'm going to bring my laptop on the airplane so I can watch movies.
by Mel February 25, 2003
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When a woman sits on a mans' penis and spins 360 degrees, over, and over until she falls off.
DIrty Laptop- she takes it anal.
"Wudup B? How'd Jenny get that black eye?"
"Bitch was giving me a laptop and hit her head on the ceiling fan."
by Nick Bockwinkle March 30, 2008
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Well OBVIOUSLY its a computer but it also means a woman who is sexy but small of stature and can be easily picked up, moved around, etc, during Horizontal Jogging. Damn! There's another word I'll have to define.
"Dave's girlfriend couldn't reach a high shelf without a ladder and a couple of phone books but he felt it was handy to have a laptop in the bedroom."
by Bob Sometimes January 9, 2006
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a computer that you can put on your lap
give me that laptop i want to put it on my lap
by amin82 May 13, 2020
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