A word most teenagers don't know what it means. The real definition is "a descriptive term; an epithet."

An epithet, for those of you who don't know, is "A term used to characterize a person or thing, such as rosy-fingered in rosy-fingered dawn or the Great in Catherine the Great.
A term used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person, such as The Great Emancipator for Abraham Lincoln.
An abusive or contemptuous word or phrase."

Now look closely at the sentence, "An abusive or contemptuous word or phrase." Isn't that what labels really are?

Labels characterize people. Most people today think labels are basically cliques of people, but it's not. You can hang out with whoever you want, and still be considered a certain label. I dunno about you, but if you would just be yourself, a descriptive term would come up; (otherwise known as a label) INDIVIDUAL! You can't get away from labels. They're a part of life. Deal with it.

Deal with it if someone calls you a prep or a nerd. Take it as a compliment and still be yourself. If you want to talk about this, IM me on AIM at ccglasses19.
by C.C. June 24, 2005
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an ass. an ass who thinks that they are unique although they are doin the same thing as every1 else. sum1 who judges ppl before getting to know them. sum1 who labels ppl as either punk,prep,goth,gangsta,emo and etc. HUMANS WERE NOT TO BE LABELED U FAG!!!!! a label belongs on a soup can. youre not god so stop judgin ppl before u kno them u whore!
labeler: oh look a cheerleader, must be a prep!
im so unique cuz im not like them although im doin the same thing as every1 else who thinks they are unique! im a god damn hypocrite mommy!god im a kewl stereotyped poser.
by jennylovesean April 11, 2006
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a way ignorant people group together a bunch of people before you know them. aka predjudice. why judge someone by what music they happen to be listening to when you walk by or what they are wearing? this is a way to give truly unique people a reputation before you even know their name.
Ignorant idiot: Look! That kid's wearing black! They must obvilously be goth!
Me: wtf?! y r u using a label on that poor innocent kid?
by Cm. November 10, 2006
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Anything you call another person. Including groups or a lifestyle.
I'm so fucking tired of labeling!
by smartest teenager ever! June 29, 2006
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Words given to identify people. The labels are really just crap and people shouldn't just be objectified because of how they look, act, what they wear, and who they are.
Girl: You're wearing black today...are you gothic?

Other Girl: No. I do not approve of labels.
by Poetic Lolita October 22, 2008
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anything you can call someone that could hurt them or describe them in a nice way is a fucking lacel if you think different your wrong. If anyone says fag or gay or anything that describes someone in a pro or con way is a label okay.
That guy over there has a gay haircut he is such a FAG. (That is what labeling is get over it.)
by Reighn Beau Bitch July 23, 2006
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Some kid or group of kids in a Middle School or High School setting that go around with a god complex and calling someone a "Goth" if one day they decide to wear a black t-shirt or a "Pyscho" because you decide not to talk to the douches there because the kids in elementary school are more mature than them.
A labeler walked by me and when I was out of hearing distance he muffled "Emo" and that was the day you were supposed to not care about your appearance and dress like a homeless person to impress the general high school populace.
by UpperGreens September 1, 2007
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