Someone who loves life. Beautiful on the outside and even more beautiful on the inside. No matter how bad things get, there is always a smile. True to her word and her beliefs, Kathes are very spiritual. Kathes are full of Grace and make sure everyone around them feels good. Sympathetic in heart, Kathes find great joy in helping others and making a difference. Kathes are fun! Despite being naturally shy, they love to be the life of the party. Kathes are also very competitive and love to play games, sports and gamble. A Kathe is the most loyal friend or spouse you will ever find.
by Midwest5667 February 3, 2010
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Kathe is a Deccani Urdu word, from Hyderabad, South India. It's a bit complicated, but can easiest be described as apparently. It is also used mockingly, the way you use "he/she says", a sort of scoff. It can be used out of curiosity as well.

Kathe can only be used at the end of a sentence, or after a word/phrase you choose to mock.
It is pronounced as cu(as in cu-p) th(as in fai-th) ey(as in h-ey)
Cow's have udders kathe.(Cows have udders apparently.)

How's the cow kathe?(A very curious "How has the cow been?")

I milked the cow this morning
- Milked the cow kathe! (Milked the cow she says. *snort*)
by Issy Moo April 29, 2012
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An Australian TV sit-com that depicts the everyday antics of Kathleen Day, a forty-something empty nester with a fondness for shoulder pads and an aptitude for chicken feet, and her tantrum chucking, dippity bics loving daughter Kimberly Diane Craig (nee Day).

Kath's "hunk o' spunk" of a partner Kel, Kim's "door mat" husband Brett, Kim's "second bestfriend" Sharon, Kim's baby girl Epponnee-Rae and Brett's dog Cujo add chaos to Kath & Kim's hilarious lives which take place in Fountain Lakes, a fictional suburb of Melbourne.
I'm loving "Kath and Kim" sick!
by hornbag May 9, 2005
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The best t.v show to ever hit the 'air' kicks so much ass...that it even kicks its own!!...plu kailan and alyce think it rocks so that means its a whole lot better!!
"look at me kim, look at moi...look at moi ...look at mooooiii!!"
by rich \\m/ September 27, 2003
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also known as lady gaga's kath. a kath is a blonde who dances in the dark and hates butch volleyball players. she is often is dipped in gravey and dances on rooftops wearing moccasins at midnight, but is deffinally not a loossy goose, enjoys smushing while watching full house. sinner.
"KATH ENGLES" and paris hiltion party hardy in their leather studded cardies. just sayin.
by guiddetekaathxoxo November 12, 2010
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The dude from crystal castles, who also is a methhead and likes 15 year olds.
guy 1: hey have you heard of Ethan kath?!
Guy 2: *fart with reverb sound effect*
by cumfartshitter April 18, 2022
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