Usually a tall black male. Funny, and outgoing. Hard to handle at times. Hides his feelings due to past relationships. When he finds a good girl, he usually mistreats her and is oblivious to her love for him. Can make you smile, but also break you down. His best matches are a girl with an exotic name. For example, Roxanne. He'll fall in love with a girl that most find odd, but he'll think the world of her. He'll mistreat her, but she'll stay. When he loves, he loves whole heartedly. But is afraid to admit so. He has a bad temper, that can only be calmed by the girl he loves. If you have a chance with a Jarvis, hold on to him. Because when you hurt him, he never forgives it.
person 1: He is so tall!
person 2: Must be a Jarvis.
by loverboy741 August 31, 2013
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Jarvis is a guy who is a master at a lot of things. Usually a very fast typer, loves his TV shows and is a sex god. Is a fan of a bunch of stuff and is sometimes a nerd. He is also a member of the 'Mone Brothers'.
1. Jarvis is a humping master.
2. Jarvis is a farting master
3. "Bro, see Jarvis over there, he has all the TV shows. If you want shows that's all your laptop, ask Jarvis."
4. Jarvis is my favourite 'Mone Brother'.
by thejumpinghumpingmaster March 30, 2019
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Lisa: Oh my God, David is such a Jarvis!
Steve: I know right! Such a skill issue!
by Steven Mc Steveyson November 5, 2021
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(can also be spelled Jarvus)

An unspeakable thing.
Did you wash your...jarvis last night?

Lets keep it on the jarvis, so as not to gain any attention, alright?

You don't want many people to see your jarvis.

Person 1: Is jarvis a word?
Person 2: Yes.
by Janus Alpaca April 24, 2008
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The Jarvis is a fascinating creature. It will only listen to techno and hip hop, and enjoys watching disney movies other horrible ones over and over and saying they are the greatest. The Jarvis is characterized by a high pitched laugh, and being able to survive on no food for days on end. It is rarely seen eating, and when it does it is usually peanutbutter or macaroni and cheese. Be mindful of your surroundings when in the company of a jarvis, because your things may start to disappear without notice. The stories that a Jarvis tells are usuaslly extravagant and far fetched, typically made up on the spot with no fact or reason behind them. If you ever spot a Jarvis in the wild, your best bet is to run or say that you hate Marist singers.
This is the funniest movie ever! (Euro Trip) -- A wild Jarvis specimen
by Concerned Spectator May 4, 2006
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The most sussy imposter of them all 😳
Jarvis is a very sussy baka
by Susbaka March 11, 2022
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noun; long haired, facial hair clad, and usually lacking the most basic hygienic qualities.
"Dude, that jarvis walked by earlier and it's smelled like ass ever since."
by voltron jarvis February 24, 2009
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