To engage in sexual activity in a natural area of water (ie. pond, river, lake, or ocean).
We wanted to jarvis in the river when the other groups had passed.
by cmumiguel August 23, 2009
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One whom exits before compleating his or her duty. May also be used as a substitution for the term "vagina" when refering to ones actions. A tool.
"I'm leaving the bar, I am super tired."

"Stop being such a jarvis and suck it up"
by Taylor Likes December 8, 2008
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a plaid or flanal jacket often seen on lumberjacks, old men, and hip young university students trying to break all the rules of fashion. Can be a variety of colors, sleeve lengths and shades, does not have to be any certain material, as long as it's near hideous yet strangely awesome.
dude 1 "where's dude 3?"

dude 2 "he went shopping, he should be right back"

dude 3 "hey guys check out this sweet Jarvis I bought at the Peavey Mart"

dude 1 and 2 simultaneously "that's a sweet fuckin Jarvis"
by Shagmuff January 3, 2008
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An uncommon name, used for either girls or boys.
Literally meaning a hackney coach.
Also means, strong warrior, (according to runes).

Usually given to a younger sister.

Alternative spellings include;

Older sister: Hey Jarvie- fancy going for a bike ride?
Younger sister: Yeah sure, Keira.
by PedroMadeira July 12, 2009
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1) Finnish for Lake; so basically Finnish for Finland.

2) A really cool word to put at the end of 99 percent of Finnish villages, cities, townships, etc.
Guy: mennä järvelle ( järvelle is just another form of jarvi. damn finngolians. )
by Damn, Im an old as donkey. October 7, 2018
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when someone feels like that have underachieved
Person 1: "I did bad on that exam"

Person 2: "I know, I feel like a right jarvis"
by oliverb95 June 16, 2011
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When, while playing the Friday the 13th video game, a woefully under-skilled and pathetically useless player comes back as Tommy Jarvis.
Oh great... we have a retarded Jarvis.”
by Levaphed February 10, 2019
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