An all round natural sportsman, true gentleman and very courteous to teachers. Extremely punctual and polite towards other people and always an engaging conversationalist. Fresh, minty breath that excites the females and is the envy of many males. His diet consists of primarily salmon and protein shakes. The name Jarvie as such is of some etymological interest:

"Jar" - According to the national Tasmanian language, Jar means huge or massive.

"Vie" - Is defined in the National Hobart Dictionary as meaning muscles, muscle definition/10, mass, bulk or extreme tonage.

Today, Jarvie can be loosely translated in English to mean: "Do You Even Lift?"
Boy 1: Hey man I see you've been working out!
Boy 2: Yeah man I'm trying to go full Jarvie.
Boy 3: Full Jarvie?

Boy 77: Full Jarvie.
Boy 180397: Never go full Jarvie.
by Zinglebatwizard May 7, 2013
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Jarvis is a Norman French surname (last name) linked to Saint Gervasius. Its latin meaning is "He who is skilled with a spear." Basically, "Jarvis" means "Bad Ass" or "Not to be Fucked wit."

Never call him Travis or Gervais (from Survivor).
Everybody I know named "Jarvis" is a freakin' bad ass.
by J. Jones February 14, 2006
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To pull a Jarvie, or someone who has Jarvie’d, is to make plans with someone and then break those plans at the last minute.

While not as severe as flaking, since you end up notifying others that you can’t make it ahead of time with at least some notice, pulling a Jarvie is almost as frustrating.
Person 1: Do you see much of John lately?

Person 2: Nah, I was even down his way with plans to catch up, which he accepted, but he Jarvie’d
by A_Couple_Of_Pints_In May 25, 2022
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A curious creature. may or may not enjoy consuming leafy green substances. Only one is known to man, but others may exist under the roofs of those parents are too lenient.

A warning to casual observers; "Jarvis" is extremely tempermental and will snap for reasons only known in its own angsty mind.
civilian 1: "Whos shampoo did I use today?"

civilian 2: "Oh that was Jarvis'."

civilian 3: "Jarvis and Fake D are pecking away at each other like toddlers again"

civilian 4: "Im not going to class today, Im going to pull a Jarvis"
by Hamed&Andrew July 18, 2006
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The typically overweight drinking-buddy/sidekick of a cotch/cotchski. Can be solo, but operates best symbotically with his more vain counterpart. Usually drunk, belicose, and confused. Both a wingman and doormat.
After insulting and attempting to fight the cotch's arresting officer, the jarvis was also charged and incarcerated.
by Napoleon Bonerhard November 19, 2006
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(can also be spelled Jarvus)

An unspeakable thing.
Did you wash your...jarvis last night?

Lets keep it on the jarvis, so as not to gain any attention, alright?

You don't want many people to see your jarvis.

Person 1: Is jarvis a word?
Person 2: Yes.
by Janus Alpaca April 24, 2008
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A large fellow who is particularly fond of food. Round in shape and often appears edible.
‘’A Jarvis is very big, round and yummy!’
by Commissioner March 12, 2022
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