Used in IM. Means I know.
"Instead of typing three extra letters, I prefer ik."
by UNBIASED TUNER October 20, 2004
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I like Ike. - Common campaign slogan of his preidential campaign.
by The Big H February 19, 2005
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tall. stubborn. dyslexic. nice.good looking and extremely sexy
by Frank February 23, 2019
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1. The Canadian version of Ikr(I know, right?), where as Ike means "I know, eh?"

2. A character in South Park. Brother of Kyle Broflovski, and is ironically, Canadian.
Guy 1: "Yo the party yesterday was sooo sick!!!"
Canadian Guy: "Ike?!"

Kyle's Mom: "Kyle, we have to tell you something. Ike... he's Canadian."
Kyle: "WTF NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
by Hojin :P May 9, 2010
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Strong Category 2 Hurricane that fucked up Galveston, Bolivar, Houston, SADGHsadghsd'ghks THE WHOLE DAMN PLACE!!

and my aunties house!
Hurricane Ike whipped our ass when it blew through Houston.

Hurrican Ike caused the power to go out in my area.
by OMGItsIsaias October 9, 2008
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