A rather large lemon typed giraffe. It is very strange, and has only been seen by Jeff, then magical kobold.
My nob is rather large, hows that for an example of something hooge?
by Will November 28, 2003
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Sidekick; mobile device that allows user to access email, web, chat, and phone all from the hip. Used by really cool people such as professional athletes, rappers, drug dealers, and kids that like to emulate this particular lifestyle.
"via Hiptop", appears on the AIM profile of a person using a Sidekick
by friarSams December 21, 2004
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The belt, used by females, of which it's purpose is anything but to hold up pants.
Fundo wondered why his girlfriend wore a hiptop when her jeans were always so tight fitting.
by auth00r June 20, 2006
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The default AIM profile for people using the t-mobile sidekick.
Kevin: why is mickey's profile always 'via Hiptop'?
Chase: he is using his sidekick nub
Kevin: oo000ooo000ooo
Chase: lol pwned
by thewebguy March 19, 2005
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