11 definitions by auth00r

The bitch that flirts with you and plays with your mind, but when it comes down to it, she never has time.
Turnipa acted like such a hoe, but when she wasn't giving up the goods, I realized she was a fake hoe.
by auth00r June 20, 2006
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While trying to put it in her mouth, you poke her face on the cheek, forehead, or under the left eye.
Fundo tried to put it in her mouth, but he kept on missing the hole. She had the poker face.
by auth00r June 20, 2006
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The belt, used by females, of which it's purpose is anything but to hold up pants.
Fundo wondered why his girlfriend wore a hiptop when her jeans were always so tight fitting.
by auth00r June 20, 2006
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The bitch that wants to start relationships for the purpose of giving your friends amazing sex.
Fundo thought he was pimping his relationship whore, until he found out that he wasn't getting his pimp cut.
by auth00r June 20, 2006
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The lady that tries to tie you down by repeated attempts to have your baby against your will.
Fundo's girlfriend turned into Miss Conception when she wouldn't let him pull out.
by auth00r June 20, 2006
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Fundo: Hey bitch. Feel my pwns!
bitch: Feel it yourself.
by auth00r June 20, 2006
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A large, chiefly aquatic African herbivorous mammal (Hippopotamus amphibius) having thick, dark, almost hairless skin, short legs with four toes, and a broad, wide-mouthed muzzle. Also called river horse.
Fundo was out in the jungle, shooting marbles, when he encountered a hungry, hungry hip hop anonymous.
by auth00r June 20, 2006
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