term used when emphasizing a point
i hardcore studied for this test and STILL failed; I'm finding a date for prom early, like HARDCORE; I hardcore want to go to the OAR concert; I'm hardcore watching the OC tongiht
by Brittany and Haley October 25, 2005
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1. the opposite of fake

2. great music
1. that dude is so hardcore.. he beats the shit out of posers

2. angry music is hardcore... emo is shit
by thenextdonvito August 28, 2006
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Hardcore used to refer to a more intense version of punk, but has since branched off into a new genre. Vocals are usually screechy, lyrics usually histrionic (exaggerated and often inappropriate displays of emotional reactions, approaching theatricality) and whiny, music often switches between very quiet and very loud in a single song. Many hardcore kids are also self righteous and humourless about being straight edge, to the point of condemning those who choose a different lifestyle. They wear black primarily, and sometimes a scarf/bandanna in the back pocket. They are often pierced or tattoed as an alternative to ingesting intoxicants.
Hardcore bands: My Chemical Romance, Alexisonfire, Girls Against Boys, Q And Not U, The Used, Refused, Thursday, Thrice
Oh em gee, that band is so hardcore! Let's throw down!
by Mary A-C September 21, 2005
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hardcore means badass
good music
hardcore dancing

hxc kid#1= aw. man have you heard that one band
hxc kid#2= yea dude they are so effin hardcore
hxc kid#1= yeah NTC is hxc for sure!!
by dieannaleighan October 23, 2006
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harcore is influcenced by real punk and real metal(I'm not trying to say that the genre is fake by the way my just saying it's a branch off), this genre mixes both which overall makes some half decent music. but its a genre that has suddenly become very popluar and you can't tell the posers from the truely hardcore kids. But the thing that worries me about harcore is its branch off is EMO!
some hardcore bands are: Walls Of Jericho, Terror, Madball, Comeback Kid, Bleeding Through.
by Ally A May 19, 2006
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too tough to be emo


can be positive or negative depending on whether or not you are a self absorbed terd who likes to show off you hardcoreness

in this case you might be a douchebag

i used to get picked on a lot, but i started listening to my chemical romance and now im hardcore
by xsonicassassinx October 11, 2005
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really heavy bands and fast picking with the ocasional blast beat. some bands are: job for a cowboy, black dahlia murder, elysia, and myspace.com/jeseleigh true def. of hardcore band!
dude that drummers double kicks are SO hardcore
by Nick Newquist April 9, 2007
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