Gregor is one of the best friends you will ever have. You are very lucky if you know a Gregor in your life, both in an relationship and as a friend. Gregor is super sexy and always up for a fuck. Gregor is very handsome and very strong and good in bed.
Woah yesterday I was having sex with Gregor, such a Gregor
by Lover of Gregor May 10, 2019
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A name for a male who is good looking, strong and great in bed.
That was great last night, you're such a gregor.
by Gregor. January 19, 2008
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A peson who is/used to be your friend. You usually meet him in 1st grade and you become best friends. Everything was fine for years. There were fights that felt like that will be the end for the friendship. But after some time everything is back to normal. Likes to tell jokes about other people. Usually the jokes sound like insults, but you know that it wansn't meant to be an insult. Basically the best friend you could ever had.
You are the best Gregors. Noone could be better than you. Even if we had fights we were still friends. Aad that it has to end like this. Hopefully that this was meant as a sick hoke and that it will end. But untill now. Have fun and i will bever forget our friendship
by Someonewhowillbebyyourside March 31, 2017
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This is a disease where everyone you date ends up turning lesbian.
wow my girlfriend just turned lesbian. i think i have the gregorator
by boddyesmith October 13, 2020
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Gregor is a local Swedish code word for Marijuana, Weed. The expression started in late 2000s in the suburbs of northern Gothenburg during a local family dinner and spread to the rest of the country by 2020. The word "Gregor" refers to the color of weed, GREEN. You can also refer to Gregors step-brother; Bruno (Brown) for hashish.

Gregor have many loving family members:
Bruno = Brown, hashish.

Snegor = Sne; crocked, go(å)r: walk, Magic mushrooms.

Igor = Russian brother, Alcohol.

Sonic = You walk fast as the character Sonic. Crystal meth.

Many of the family members are often appreciated. The only black sheep of the family is Sonic. The reason for that is the lack of sleep and the stress that Sonic bring to the loving heart of Gregor and he's friends and step-brothers.

Gregor is very loved by the Chwengsson family of Step-brothers.
Is Gregor coming to the party? - Yeah, Sinchweng is bringing him.

Do you know who Gregor is? - He is the best friend of Lamb Rock.

Gregor, are you stuck? - Help me step-brother!
by TheCrazyDrugDealer November 24, 2021
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A Gregor is a rather interesting creature indeed, regarded my many as a freak, sneek, geek and indeed severel other 'eek' words. The gregor is actualy intelligent and very occasionaly misunderstood. He is a quick learner and observant, he also has a very nasty habit of sneaking up on people. Be warned, Gregors usualy have misconceptions regarding their person and hence re rather is also extremely easy to hate a Gregor as he is a complete bastard who enjoys ripping the shit out of fellow human beings.
On no account must the neck be touched or the name mispronounced.
by dont steal my words January 22, 2008
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This guy have big PP energy

46cm of his dick

and he is sexy
by Horse Head November 21, 2021
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