(N.) Setting up a large number of Web pages with links that point to a specific Web site so that the site will appear near the top of a Google search when users enter the link text. -Taken from WordSpy.com.
If you put in French Military Victories or Miserable Failurein Google.com and hit "I'm Feeling Lucky", you'll have acessed a Google Bomb.
by G-Union December 11, 2003
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In addition to showing you pages that have the keywords a searcher is looking for, Google also shows you pages that have been linked via the searcher's keywords. Google bombing involves manipulating Google.com to display a website that has nothing to do with the searched-for term.
While the "miserable failure" google bomb is funny, I much prefer the "french military victories" google bomb.
by Joe Schmitt December 6, 2003
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1. (n) a collaboration of web pages which use a common phrase in the names of hyperlinks to the same address for the explicit purpose of making that address appear at the top of the list when that phrase is typed into a Google search engine. (This phenomenon is unique to Google since most other search engines don't include text from hyperlinks in their databases.)

2. (v) (-ed,-ing) to conspire with other web page authors to create a Google bomb by agreeing on the search phrase and victim site
The most famous Google bomb can be triggered by searching for "miserable failure". As of 1/8/04, the White House biography of George W. Bush is still at top of the list. Some counterstrikes have been made on Jimmy Carter's bio and Michael Moore's website, which now appear second and third respectively.
by BeardedFatass January 8, 2004
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Using a script to Google search something millions of times, making it appear as if tons of people had actually searched for it.
When members of Anonymous google bombed "justin bieber hit by car", many fangirls crapped themselves.
by wikiboy December 31, 2011
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Making fun of and/or embaressing someone by posting things such as comics and/or pictures on google.com.


Being the person who's embaressing picture is on the net. That would result in being Google Bombed.


Being the person who google bombs. You may even become known as the "Google bomber."

by BMA January 11, 2007
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