Holy shit my computer is slow! Maybe its because i have over one hundred giggitybytes on here.
by Jimbo Skillet August 9, 2010
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A unit of storage for pornography, equal to 1024 megabytes.
"After using up 12 giggitybytes, I only had enough space left on my drive for a single movie."
by clank-o-tron_SD June 10, 2007
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Enhet för lagring av pornografisk data.
En Gigabyte av porr motsvarande 1024 Megabytes.
Nu har jag 200 giggitybytes på datorn och den har börjat bli riktigt slö!
by Apipoulai December 9, 2015
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An amount of pornographic data (equal to 1024 kilobytes) downloaded from the internet.
Dude, watching 3 hours of porn online will use one giggitybyte of your monthly internet allowance.... (crickets chirping) Uhhh, according to my cousin.
by JT Amish April 11, 2011
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