The true geek number. 1337 is sometimes incorrectly known as the “geek” number, but that is in fact, the nerd number. 1024 signifies 2 to the 10th power, the amount of megabytes in a 1 GB RAM stick or flash drive, and is of great mathematical significance.
Chat room:
fake_geek: m3 t3h m057 1337 p3r50n e\/3r.
realGeek(): And I'm the most 1024 guy, ever.
by NSDCars5 October 22, 2013
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code word for 👌👈
My girlfriend just texted me that she’s home alone followed by “1024?”
by it’s geevin January 18, 2018
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A vacant or unfocused gaze into the distance, seen as characteristic of a war-weary or traumatized developer or devops engineer. The number 1024 is in reference to both the 1000-yard stare, and 1024, the number of bits in one kilobyte.
‘After keeping the servers running for the 72 hours after the scandal broke, Aaron stopped abruptly, and a haunted, 1024-yard stare crossed his face.’

'Mason told us about his photo-sharing startup, but as he recalled in horror the things his users would upload, he drifted off into a 1024-yard stare.'
by not_a_tech_bro January 15, 2021
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