Fred Durst formed Limp Bizkit in 1994. He was upped into the business by friends KoRn.

Judged by many people and classed as a "prick". Fred's ego may be big, but he is a nice guy.
by Jonas January 19, 2005
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lead "singer" of a shitty band called limp bizkit.
see: wannabe badass faggot loser

he tries to act like a badass, but hes nothing more than a loser.
by Heather June 25, 2005
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An adjective pertaining to either a fat, useless wigga git. Or just generally someone who'd sell their own grandmother for £2.50.

Also can be used as a general term for shit. Although it's usage in this context can sound distinctly pikey.
(in reference to pretty much anything cheap, nasty and distasteful)

That is so fuckin' Fred Durst!!

(in a rock club in reference to someone throwing some blazin' squad style faux hip shop arm movements)

Look at fuckin' Fred Durst over there! What a nobhead!!
by Ollie March 10, 2004
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Fake, faggot ass douche bag. It's no wonder he's looked down upon by every decent person in the world.
fred durst, you named your band after limp biscuit you fuckin faggot. as if we don't know what that is. So just keep 'rollin, rollin, rollin' on that e and get that morning after pill when ur done because ur a fuckin girl
by jauntz January 31, 2009
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Frontman for Limp Bizkit. Doesnt give a fuck what you think about him, because he is that damn cool.
You say that you hate Fred and you hate Limp Bizkit in front of your friends and shit, but you know you love em, why do you think they sell out concerts all over the fucking world, their cd's have gone 5x platinum, etc.. In short, if you say that you hate Limp Bizkit because its cool to hate, then you are just a follower to what thinks and you cant think for yourself.
by theOne5590 February 25, 2005
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the dope-ass singer for limp bizkit whos a weak piece of shit but he'll fuck you up anyway
fred durst is a badass motherfucker, he could fuck up scott whatever his name is from creed anyday, creed's music is pussy
by 55incher March 25, 2003
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The biggest corporate sell-out ever to walk this planet. He's a buisnessman - not a musician
Who told you Fred Durst was a rocker/rapper/singer?

Whoever told you that, they lied!
by Thumper (Cobain) February 18, 2004
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