n., 1. An individual who compulsively and serially posts photographs of themselves on Facebook in an effort to gain self-gratifying attention. 2. A photographic self-portrait usually taken at arms length. Such photographs are characterised by a resultant looming, horse/spoon-faced image of the subject. 3. A rampant self-publicist.
They're such an annoying Facetwat. They keep posting spoonface pictures of themselves on Facebook just to get attention.
by GreyFlames March 15, 2011
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n. One who annoyingly posts a Facebook status multiple times an hour, often resembling a tweet.
John: Dammit! I'm sick of getting updates every time Jessica dillyfucks around!

Billy: She's such a Facetwat
by Foohtube October 5, 2010
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The act of posting something on Twitter and Twitter immediately posting the message on Facebook. So if you follow the person on both, you get both messages.
Man 1: Hey Charlie just posted a funny joke on Twitter.
Man 2: He just posted a really funny one on Facebook.
Man 1: Its the same joke, he's totally facetwatting.
by neuro24 March 8, 2013
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