A fub is the abbreviated term for fat ugly bitch
daniel: wow that girl is so big and ugly
John: yeah she's a real FUB
by Bustercherry#30 November 25, 2015
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Acronym: Fuck You Bitch

What you say to a person who is a cunt (independent of whether that person is a fag, a bitch, a moron, a douchebag, an asshole, a man, a woman, a teddy bear, or a gentleman)
Secretary: Lee-ah, is that how you say your name?
Lee-ah: No, just sound it out.
Secretary: Oh, ok, Lee-uh?
by C-Cup January 23, 2010
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Tony is the great white FUB hunter, in fact he bagged one last night, and she ate all his pork chops.
by DickVanDork January 28, 2015
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1. Acronym: Fucking Ugly Bitch

2. A girl so ugly that it looks like she was set on fire and put out with a fork.

Damn, did you see that FUB back there, she could back a buzzard off a meat wagon!
by icehole October 21, 2008
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Man 1: That guy was making out with a FUB, did you see that?

Man 2: Yeah I did, she was ugly and fat. It almost made me throw up!
by Mike Jennings May 26, 2010
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