Name for internet explorer when you have to use it or are mad at it.
I have to use internet exploder again because this program will not work with Firefox.

internet exploder just crashed again.
by EJmcn June 22, 2009
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When a girl with a surprizingly loud voice, yells because her couch is on fire, making the noise of an exploding chipmunk.
On August 30, 2006, my girlfriend preformed an exploding chipmunk when her brother lit the couch on fire with a cigar, and proceded with the exploding chipmunk for about 5 minutes after the couch was out.
by A Man15151515 March 25, 2007
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A card game for people who are all about cats and various other items, which violently explode.
There's another exploding kittens freak, he's probably going to destroy the world with cats tomorrow.
by bakuboyboom March 13, 2017
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Term commonly used in place of 'Internet Explorer', Microsoft's shitty web browser that does nothing but serve you popups, viruses, and spyware.
by Louie C. August 8, 2004
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Wrap that there pig up in some dynamite, I want me some exploded ham.
by giraffe-o May 15, 2007
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Within Minecraft, this is an alternate name for a "creeper", so-called because it looks like a penis (a green one) and it explodes when it gets close to you.
by TheSophera December 5, 2010
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Garment typically missing large portions of fabric that would normally cover one of both thighs and knees. More than just merely ripped jeans.
Mr. C: What happened?!?! You're jeans look like they have exploded.

Student: Mr. C, they're just ripped jeans.
Mr. C: No, those are exploded jeans. You're missing so much material. Aren't you cold?
Student: Honestly ... yes; yes I am.
by Mista C November 8, 2021
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