The rational fear that a big company will screw you over.
I do not think I can ever trust another company. I am suffering from Enronitis.
by chaz alano August 5, 2008
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word similar to moronic, but related to false/fraudulent accounting practices. When a financial transaction is so bad, stupid, or illegal that it was made by a moron but needs an enhanced definition to emphasis the criminal intent of the decision like the accounts at the bankrupt Enron Corporation. It can also be used for anything stupid that is also criminal
Can you believe accounting told us to make that change. It is enronic, we will be lucky not to end up in jail.
by fake accountant October 2, 2010
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a once successful and dominant company in the energy business, but has fallen because they tried to hide company losses and avoid taxes by creating made-up entities. as a result of these unethical practices, enron has become bankrupt and robbed their employees of their retirement funds. the most infamous name associated with this scandal is Kenneth Lay, who is on trial as of januray 2006. he is charged on 11 counts ranging from insider trading to bank fraud.
ken lay and enron took my money. give it back you son of a bitch. i can't feed my kids. his defense is totally fucked, he should've plead guilty like the rest of his buddies.
by Jim March 8, 2006
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1. like to company "Enron" (once a good company, gone bankrupt because of their ways). this a unisex term for one who has the illusion that they are highly valuable, has great morals, and is attractive; but in reality, they are goldiggers, liars, and overall whores sneaking behind your back.

2. the hidden office codename for a skank.
co-worker A: "damn, you see that new girl that came in today for her interview?"

co-worker B: "yeah, man i wouldn't tap that if i were you; Rob used to date her, said she's an enron"

co-worker A: "what the fuck? hell naw you serious?"

co-worker B: " it's been confirmed, she's already fucked like 5 random dudes here in one month"

co-worker A: "DO NOT dick deserves better than that"
by Mr.Pipez October 15, 2010
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A radical redistribution of wealth, usually from poor to rich. Trickle up theory.
I got Enroned, and now live in a van, down by the river.
by zwf September 17, 2004
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an evil company that sapped money from California, screwed it's workers and shareholders, and worked with corrupt politicians (see Bill Clinton and George W. Bush) to pass laws to keep it at the top of the heap. was destroyed when a whistle-blower showed what an evil company they were.
Ken Lay jumped from the sinking Enron ship.
by Laird December 9, 2003
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Used to describe the most 'wrong', i.e. evil or grotesque, things imaginable.
Raping babies is just fucking enron, man.

Nigel: Sometimes I think about drinking my own pee-pee.

Dicky: Nigel, you are enron.
by Mr Spanky Pants August 4, 2006
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