Or Dunke. Shortened form of DUNning-Kruger Effect which is "a cognitive bias where by people of low ability have illusory superiority and mistakenly asses their cognitive ability as greater than it is." In other words it's a person who is too dumb/ignorant to know how dumb/ignorant they are.

Usually used to describe"flat-earthers” or “young earth creationists” who think they understand science and mathematics but miss concepts obvious to anyone with a basic scientific or mathematical understanding of a principle.

It is pointless to argue or try to show facts or evidence that falsify a dunk's belief in a thing because they lack the intellect to grasp certain concepts and will ignore the evidence if it goes against some other thing they deeply believe.
Don't try to argue with him. He's a dunk, it's not worth your time.
by FactsNotFeelings October 30, 2018
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To effectively beat someone at an event:used to symbolize dominance over ones opponet
"Man, you just got DUNKED!"
by DunkMaster Yi October 31, 2011
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When a naked man attempts to jump over you but nearly fails, resulting in his penis slapping your face, and the mans testicles enlarging.
“Yo dude, did that guy just dunk on you?”
“Yeah I think I got a little jizz in my eye
by YourFavMilf69 January 12, 2021
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The diarrhea you get after eating too much Dunkin. Often seen in the northeast United States
Oh man, I shouldn’t have drank that large iced coffee with those three croissant, egg, and cheeses. I got a bad case of the dunks.
by Slimebitch December 21, 2019
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The act of dipping one's scrotum into an alcoholic beverage in order to become quickly inebriated.
I can't drive tonight, man. I've been dunking in vodka for the past hour and I can barely walk straight.
by Hoss Rospustny, Esq. March 25, 2012
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when you let someone use your vaseline and they dig their whole finger into the pot instead of just swirling their finger around
friend: hey can i use your vaseline?
me: yea sure
friend: *digs whole finger in*
by mamamama231344 October 15, 2011
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