adj. Origin linked to the word fraggled and similarly suggestive of characters from the television show "Fraggle Rock".

1. To be very severely affected by intoxicants, especially substances that yield THC.
2. A state of confusion more advanced than that suggested by being fraggled
This is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. Holy wanking Christ, I'm doozered.
by Robert D Sykes April 26, 2005
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Hey, did you hear Doozer's new album yet?
by Streetsim January 19, 2004
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A Doozer is a cross between a dork and a looser. This word started from two teenage girls messing with words, and now their entire school says it. Though it should be spelled Dooser, since it is a slang term it's not.
"Renee you are such a doozer!"
by Nicoleycrap August 19, 2006
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A person (usually a good friend) that does someone else's dirty work for them and/or tells someone bad news even though it isn't their responsiblity to tell them.
person 1: "tell him I want to break up."
person 2: "No way. You gotta do it yourself. I'm not going to be your doozer."
by September 10, 2003
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A slang for vagina. Originated in Palm Valley Florida.
Man, she's got one gross doozer.
by TJDooz August 21, 2007
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a device used for defrauding vending machines. a dollar bill or other small denomination bill and two pieces of clear packing tape about 10" long are required. the doozer is assembled by creating a dollar bill with a tape "handle" such that the doozer can be fed into a vending machine and then removed by quickly pulling the doozer back through the rollers. if done properly the machine credits the user for inserting the bill and the user now gets a free snack and change from the $1.
"yo, let's go down to the student center and use the doozer to get free cheetos"
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