The act of shitting in a bucket before chasing a hoe down the street.
'Damn, did he really just pull a Dirty Henri?'
by cancelldabbing2020 November 26, 2020
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The act of unwilling anal intercourse while your partner is vomiting into a toilet due to excessive alcohol consumption.
I can't believe he gave her The Dirty Henry
by bigtimers April 4, 2014
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The act of defecating before a shower, but not wiping yourself clean because you use your hand as toilet paper as you take a shower. Only Italians and Jehovah's Witnesses do this.
Henry: Shit, out of toilet paper. Guess I might as well take a shower.

Pirate: Yar, even a salty mate like meself wouldn't tread the waters of a Dirty Henry.
by Danny Seagal April 13, 2006
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The act of meeting a stranger in a shopping center and being dragged into the disabled toilets to then ejaculate on her and run away
by Hammer123time April 14, 2020
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When you circumcise yourself with a cheese grater and then feed your foreskin to some faggot named Carlos.
Wow he just popped a dirty Henry.
by Yes69 pepepopo January 24, 2020
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When you bust all over your goth girlfriend to a video of your obese maths tutor nutting with a 1-1 replica of Luke Skywalker's lightsaber, which was then used by your small Indian cuck who burned maths equations into a Redwood tree with said lightsaber. And then record the interaction and put it all over Grindr for your weird ass friends to see it, cuz they are gayer than a box of crayons
'yo bro i did a Dirty Henry yesterday it was mad!'
by Archmelon August 8, 2023
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