People with depression usually feel like shit 90 percent of the time, and feel like anything they do either makes people angry, upset or annoyed. People think that they do it for attention but really when they tell you it's a cry for help, the last resort.

When your tired of living but scared of dying.
Person 1: you can tell me everything.
Person 2 : yeah I just feel really shit like I've let people down all the time and I want to die because I always feel depressed

Person2 : I'm being diagnosed with depression
by Ohshitmybad October 21, 2018
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Is feeling like no one understands you anymore and how you feel. When you put a smile on your face and if someone asks you say " I'm fine" when really your screaming inside. The feeling feels like it will never go away and keeps getting worse. Often depression can lead to someone crying themselves to sleep in the darkness or losing passion for someone or something they used to love. It's hard to let people in when you feel like this but just know that you are not alone.
"My depression and low mood is really getting the best of me today."
by Nynyhayhay August 2, 2018
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A chemical imbalance that causes someone to feel constantly sad and find no joy in anything.
by AppleBish December 2, 2017
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Depression is the worst place to be in the world. Once you are their its very hard to get out. You may even have to fake being happy. Only your closet friends will help you when your in need. You might be in a relationship and have to fake loving them. Only because the voices in your head wont some makibg you believe that they didn’t love you in the first place. Depression turn everything negative, to the point where you feel like nobody loves you and you have no friends.
I hate having depression the voices in my head basically turns everything negative.
by Olympus demigod April 20, 2019
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What you feel when all the girls at school are flat
Damn, this new school gives me depression.
by CockFuckDickAssPenis March 14, 2021
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Depression is that moment you go up to your room lock the door and burst out crying or slitting your wrists and you realise no one actually knows how unhappy you are you get judged for doing things you do people presume you do everything for attention but no one knows how you really feel they just see the smile you put on your face or the laugh you push and you don’t speak to people about how you actually feel because you know they don’t give a flying fuck you cant trust anybody because you never know when there going to give up on you sometimes you just wish you could end it all people think there doing the right thing by doing whatever they do to help but they don’t know your dying inside 😔
That women looks like she’s going through depression
by Bitchfacetobe123babes September 29, 2019
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