Cranston is the third largest city in Rhode Island. Located south of Providence and north of West Warwick. You can find a equal mix of characters in Cranston ranging from white trash, burn outs, snobs, and rich folks. But honestly Cranston is a very unique place with many perks to living there. 5 minutes from the city and only 20 from the beach. There are many good restaurants located in the area as well. The girls from Cranston seem to just be a lot more attractive, especially the girls from the west side. Cranstonians have a distinct accent, different from other Rhode Islanders. Even the creator of Family Guy, Seth McFarlane, likes the city so much he has be quoted in saying Quahog has been modeled after Cranston.
by richard d. nixon February 13, 2009
A name you give your kid when you let your husband choose their name. They are someone that is very caring but also not caring at the same time.
by Cranstonsmom October 17, 2019
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An quiet person but very live once you get to know him, great personality, hard to resist sexy guy once you get to know him. Often says dumb things that infer "wtf" but who cares. Soon to be rich and have dreams to retire early in life. Also very horny and great in bed with very large endowments...
Cranston is a very intelligent male that is great to hang around once he is no longer quiet and always has money. Great in bed and always horny
Cranston is a very intelligent male that is great to hang around once he is no longer quiet and always has money. Great in bed and always horny
by 1love298 February 5, 2010
'DAYUM! that girl is a cranston!'
' ARGH NERD!' ' NO NO WAIT, she is a cranston...' ' Oh... DAYUM'
'I nailed a cranston last night'
' ARGH NERD!' ' NO NO WAIT, she is a cranston...' ' Oh... DAYUM'
'I nailed a cranston last night'
by DingDongHam November 15, 2011
The Cranston is The scale in which one grades the gap distance between a girl's thighs. Measured 1-3, it's based on how many imaginary horizontal fingers one could place in said gap. The higher the number (a 3 Cranston), the more space (which means more air flow, which results in a nicer situation down there). The lower the number, means she's fat and her thighs rub against each other.
by Dick Victory May 18, 2015
Walking around aimlessly in your underwear or occasionally appearing nude in public with no previous recollection of one's whereabouts, where one assumes plausible deniability. Also known as Walter-Whiteing.
Wife: I just finished folding your laundry.
Husband: It's okay, I'm Cranstoning today for the Breaking Bad marathon.
Husband: It's okay, I'm Cranstoning today for the Breaking Bad marathon.
by amcbreakingbad September 28, 2013