When you cum just a little bit that only gets your dick wet and your hand or pussy
Person1: Yea man last night i couldn't even cum i only had a small coum
Person2: Damn that's sad.
by Dioo B) October 21, 2020
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The slang term for ejaculation by usually men named Marshall. The word is often accompanied with verbs like "Spo0ked" and "Fape." For a creepy effect on those lucky enough to hear it.
"After having a fape I had to coum all over her. It was very spocky."
by SublimeWhatIGot June 17, 2014
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aggressively ejaculate on a Greek male
Aris: please sir! coume! coume now!
by Grand Master Potato December 4, 2013
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It's used when you want you say that you will cum then come
by couming May 20, 2019
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Very virgin and acts like tello and is known to be a big fan of kostek
He instantly became a Maxence Coum when he made Kostek.
by zupamaestro April 15, 2020
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A word combination of cumming and coming. Implying that you are coming over to ejaculate(cum).
by Chachugotchu December 7, 2022
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